About the past

Bruno Raab
2 min readNov 4, 2023

There are some days when you sit over a cup of coffee, listen to some indie folk music, alone in silence. You close your eyes and the mind wanders… wanders to old forgotten times and the nostalgic memories shimmer for an instance into our mind.

I recall the summers in Germany, the late nights in teenage years, barley money, Nokia 3310 and in the woods but life was full of adventure, all is new, the first dates, first fist fights, first times being drunk, first kiss… first fears of live, heartbreaks and responsibilities. The warm, nice home of mum and dad. The cold nights in beautiful Christmas markets. The hours we talked in bars, about how life can be better, ideas we never implemented , woman we never dated, fears we never faced as we said we would do.

I recall the years in Mexico, studying, training, clubs, learn to dance, stand my ground alone, learn about life and become an academic. Learn that the place we all wanted to leave as teenagers was ultimately not that bad at all. Learn that life might not be as we think it is, but that is might be better sometimes.

Recall back in Germany learn to grow up, having more responsibilities, seeing deaths and drugs, depression and other shapes of life. Growing in mind and career, overcoming seemengly everstaying struggles.

Glad I lived it all, glad I learned from it and as Freud said once, in hindsight the years of struggle sound the sweetest ones.

Thank you life, that I see it that way.

